How to Generate More Real Estate Leads in 2024, Through Blogging

  • There are many ways you could generate more real estate leads in 2024.
  • Blogging, social media, and paid advertising are common strategies.
  • Blogging offers some distinct advantages over other methods.
  • This article explains how to do it right, for maximum results!

As a real estate professional, you have many options for generating more leads in 2024. The Internet actually levels the playing field for you. It gives all agents access to the same audience, despite their budgets. You can take advantage of this, once you know how.

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In this article, I’ll focus on the lead-generating aspects of a real estate blog, and how you can use them to connect with local home buyers and sellers in 2024.

Generating Real Estate Leads in 2024, by Blogging

I’ve been involved with internet publishing for over 15 years, as both a full-time blogger and consultant. In that time, I’ve learned that real estate blogging can be an excellent addition to an agent’s marketing program.

A consistent blog strategy can help you:

  • Position yourself as a local market expert
  • Increase your website traffic over time
  • Generate real estate leads from local buyers or sellers
  • Distinguish yourself from other agents in the area
  • Expand your marketing program without spending a dime

But there’s a right and a wrong way to go about it. Some real estate agents spin their wheels when it comes to blogging, with little to show for it. Others, who implement effective content strategies and stick with it, end up generating a steady stream of real estate leads over time.

So let’s talk about how to do it the right way…

“It’s My Only Form of Marketing These Days”

One of my previous clients is a real estate agent in Denver, Colorado. I started out by creating content for her real estate blog, and later shifted into a coaching role. Now she’s fully independent, publishing two to three blog posts per week, consistently.

Today, this agent generates most of her real estate leads online, directly through her blog. “It’s my only form of marketing these days,” she once told me.

It goes like this:

She publishes articles relating to her local real estate market, community, and related topics. People find those articles through search engines, social media, and other channels. Some of those people reach out to her with questions.

I share this real-life story because it illustrates the lead-generating potential of an effective real estate blogging program. Yes, it requires a consistent effort over time. But the results and rewards often outweigh those efforts by a wide margin.

If you publish high-quality content related to your local housing market in 2024, and do it on a regular basis, people will begin to respond. This response can take several forms:

  • They might email you directly with their real estate questions.
  • They might call you on the phone, for the same reasons as above.
  • They might leave a comment on one of your blog posts.
  • They might subscribe to your email newsletter, if you have one.
  • They might request information about a particular property listing.

In all of these scenarios, the end result is the same. You have used your blog to generate real estate leads online—and for free. More importantly, you’ve created your own organic lead-generation channel, instead of relying on a referral partner or some other third-party source.

Three Things You’ll Need to Succeed

Okay, I’ve convinced you that a real estate blog is worth considering. The next question is, how do you go about it? How do you get an effective blogging campaign up and running, to increase your exposure and generate valuable leads in 2024?

Here are three things you’ll need to get started:

1. You need a blogging program.

First and foremost, you will need to have some kind of blog program installed on your real estate website.

WordPress is by far the most popular blogging program available today. It also happens to be free, which means you can get started without any upfront investment (other than time).

Using a program like WordPress greatly simplifies the publishing process. Many real estate agents are hesitant to engage in blogging because they think it’s highly technical and involves coding.

But that’s not true at all. Once the blogging program is installed, creating a post is as simple as typing it out and clicking the “publish” button. They call it a content management system for a reason. It allows you to manage your website content without any technical or coding knowledge.

Related: Adding WordPress to a real estate website

2. You need blog topics to write about.

So, you’ve gotten your WordPress program up and running, and you’re ready to sit down and write your first article.

Now what?

What do you actually write about? How do you create the kind of content that will help you increase your exposure and generate real estate leads online? Where do you even start?

I’ve written a related article that outlines some of the best blogging topics for real estate agents in 2024. So that’s a good place to begin your research. (It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to attract visitors and generate real estate leads online.)

You can also use keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush and Google’s Keyword Planner. These and similar tools will help you identify search phrases that are commonly used by your target audience. You can then incorporate those keyword topics into your blogging strategy, based on their relevance to your business.

I also encourage you to write about your local market, and as much as possible. This is one of the most important topics to blog about, because it helps you attract local buyers and sellers (potential clients) to your site. It can also help you generate real estate leads online, for that same reason.

You can and should write about other topics as well. Just make sure they serve your target audience. Publish the kind of real estate content that helps a specific audience achieve a specific goal, and do it to the best of your abilities.

3. You need to set aside some time.

You can pay someone to blog for you, or you can do it yourself. If you take the DIY route, you’ll need to carve out some time each week to write high-quality content.

Blogging could transform your real estate business over the long term. It could help you bring a steady stream of potential clients to your website, week after week. I know this from personal experience.

But it takes time to reach that point. There’s no shortcut or easy button.

If you’re serious about blogging—and you want to write your own content—I highly recommend investing in dictation software. It can be a tremendous time-saver.

I use a program called Dragon Dictate, designed for Mac computers. There are PC versions out there as well. This program allows me to speak my content directly into my blogging program. I simply open a new post, switch on the dictation program, and start talking.

The software basically “types” for me. I can write a blog post without even touching the keyboard, and then go back for a final hands-on proofread. Pre-written notes with relevant data, statistics, and talking points allow me to dictate my way through an entire article.

Using this kind of program allows me to create a large volume of quality content in a fraction of the time. You can also use these programs to create emails, Word documents, and more. Consider this your real estate blogging geek-out tip of the day!

Originality, Length and Value

When writing about your local real estate market (or any other topic for that matter), strive to create original, high-quality content.

Originality is important for search engine optimization reasons. If you publish content that already exists online, your version might not even show up within search engine results. In its guide to creating helpful website content, Google says web content should “provide original information, reporting, research, or analysis.”

In addition to ranking well in search engines, this kind of blog content will help you generate real estate leads online. It helps you position yourself as an expert in your local market, thereby building trust with your audience.

The length of your blog posts also plays a role in determining your long-term success.

With all other things being equal, search engines tend to rank in-depth, authoritative articles higher than shorter pieces that gloss over the same subject. They want to deliver the most useful results to their users, and length is part of that calculus.

Longer content also helps you explore your real estate blog topics more thoroughly, which benefits your human readers. You don’t even want to sacrifice quality for quantity. But you can certainly benefit from producing comprehensive, in-depth articles that fully explore the topic.

By producing original, useful and informative content, you can bring more visitors to your website and (ultimately) generate more real estate leads in 2024.

More Content Equals More Leads

We talked about the importance of creating quality content that helps your readers accomplish a goal or better understand a topic. That’s the most important concept to keep in mind, for generating online real estate leads through blogging and other content strategies.

You can further increase your chance for success by publishing new content on a regular basis. Quality comes first. But quantity and volume matter as well, especially when you’re trying to grow your website traffic and generate leads online.

Think of each real estate blog post as an entry point to your website (and by extension, to you).

  • If you only publish 12 blog posts over the next six months, you’ll end up with 12 entry points.
  • But if you publish two blog posts per week, you’d have 48 entry points by the end of that same timeframe.

I know what you’re thinking. I’m a busy real estate agent, and I don’t have time to write blog content very often. That may be true. And if it is, blogging might not be a good fit for your marketing program or your lifestyle.

But if you’ve already decided that a real estate blog is the direction you want to go, you’ll need to carve out some time for it. Make it your goal to publish new content on a regular basis. Be as consistent as possible without sacrificing quality. You’ll end up generating more leads over the long term.

Giving People Multiple Ways to Interact

In marketing lingo, a “call to action” (CTA) is a device that invites the reader or viewer to take action. Within the context of real estate blogs, the call to action typically encourages the reader to contact the agent or subscribe for updates.

For instance, you might have a text link at the top of each blog post that invites people to email you with their questions about the local real estate market. That’s a call to action. The “action” in this case occurs when the person sends you an email.

This is also a form of lead generation. When a prospective home buyer or seller contacts you in some way, you are generating a lead through your real estate blog.

You can improve your lead generation by using multiple calls to action across your website.

We just covered one example—a text link that welcomes questions from readers. You might also allow your readers to leave comments on your individual blog posts. And maybe you have a toll-free number up in the header of the page, or in the sidebar.

Those are just a few examples of how you can generate leads through your real estate blog, by using multiple calls to action. And it’s all perfectly logical. If you give your website visitors more than one way to interact with you, there’s a stronger chance they’ll do it.

7 Important Takeaways from This Tutorial

We’ve covered a lot of information in this tutorial. Here are the most important points you should take with you:

  1. Blogging is a great way to expand your web presence and attract more visitors in 2024.
  2. Publishing authoritative content also positions you as an expert in your market, which in tun establishes trust with your target audience.
  3. You can generate real estate leads online, for free, by publishing great content on a regular basis.
  4. You’ll get even better results by aligning your content with the search patterns of your audience, using relevant keywords.
  5. Blogging programs like WordPress simplify the publishing process, allowing you to focus your time and energy on creating great content.
  6. If you’re serious about blogging, consider using a dictation program. It will increase your efficiency, allowing you to produce blog posts with less time and effort.
  7. Having a single call to action on each page can help you generate leads through your real estate blog. Multiple calls to action could deliver even better results.

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Brandon Cornett

Brandon Cornett is a mortgage content marketing expert with 17 years of experience. He also created the Home Buying Institute, one of the nation's leading informational websites for home buyers.

Brandon Cornett

Brandon Cornett is a mortgage content marketing expert with 17 years of experience. He also created the Home Buying Institute, one of the nation's leading informational websites for home buyers.